So I recently just completed a series of brews for a wedding – the light sour – which ended up going down a blast. As
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Temperature Logger
I have finally finished my temperature monitor and logging module, originally designed to monitor beer temperature as it is fermenting (beer, fridge and ambient temperatures).
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So I’ve been going through a nostalgia period with my brewing, and this week it was time to make another go of my Sichuan Saison.
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A few months ago, I found myself with some old light malt extract, about 200g worth, and some sour yeast I had been gradually building
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Having had a few weeks in the bucket to ferment, my dearly beloved hard as fuck IPA was ready for a few more weeks without
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Gypsum, for those who are not in the know, is CaSO4 – calcium sulfate (we can thank dear Lavoisier for his nice nomenclature). It’s in
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Having caught the Brewing bug, I decided that the sour simply wasn’t enough brewing for this month, and figured I’d add another beer to ferment.
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Feeling a little sorry for our demijohns, now empty of their meady goodness, we decided we should fill them with something else. Naturally, it couldn’t
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Having endured the long, difficult, indeed tormenting wait we finally reached the stage where our mead could be released from its glassy confines… and placed
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After several months of planning and a trip to Cape York and the US getting in the way, we finally got around to making our
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